The e-Monumentica magazine is a periodical devoted to the topic of interdisciplinary cooperation in the fields of preservation and cultural heritage. Its objective is to become a shared platform for contributions of various disciplines and participating professions (art history, museology, restoration, technology, preservation, architecture, aesthetics, economics, art management etc.).
The periodical publishes primarily contributions corresponding to the aspect of interdisciplinarity, whether they are the output of direct cooperation of various fields on specifics topics, or their method and manner of approach reflect the particularities of other disciplines which do participate in the care for cultural heritage but differ from the contributor’s own field. We also publish contributions that are grounded in one discipline only. The condition for publishing those – and the overall “ethical codex” of the magazine – is correctitude of the author towards experts in other fields (use of terminology, lucidity of interpretation).
Editorial Office contacts:
- Executive Editor: Mgr. Petra Heckova, Ph.D.
Editorial Board
- prof. PhDr. Petr Fidler (petr.fidler@uibk.ac.at), head of the Editorial Board
- doc. Jaroslav J. Alt, ak. mal. (University of Pardubice, Faculty of Restoration, jaroslav.alt@gmail.com)
- Ing. Karol Bayer (University of Pardubice, Faculty of Restoration, karol.bayer@upce.cz)
- doc. Mgr. art. Jakub Ďoubal, Ph.D. (University of Pardubice, Faculty of Restoration, jakub.doubal@upce.cz)
- doc. Dr. Ing. Michal Ďurovič (Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Chemistry and Technology, michal.durovic@vscht.cz)
- Ak. mal. Igor Fogaš (Moravian Gallery in Brno, Department of Restoration, igor.fogas@seznam.cz)
- Dott. Jana Michalčáková, Ph.D. et Ph.D. (National Heritage Institute, Prague, michalcakova.jana@npu.cz)
- Doc. Ing. Zuzana Slížková, Ph.D. (Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, slizkova@itam.cas.cz)
- PhDr. Zdeněk Vácha (National Heritage Institute, Brno, vacha.zdenek@npu.cz)